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  • BY: 小蓝海
  • 26
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  • 蓝的海国际货运

We have been an honest enterprise for more than ten years, providing customers with a complete set of perfect Marine service. Long-term cooperation simplifies the operation process between the shipper and the shipper, and becomes the bridge and link of communication between the shipper and the shipper. It not only operates the traditional maritime container transport business, but also has a good operating system and price system for the international railway intermodal transport and the central Asia and Russia international air transport projects. Shenzhen ocean logistics after many years of practical experience and market exploration has occupied a considerable market share. Ocean logistics, with the advantages of rail transport, sea transport and air transport, defines itself as an expert in the field of international multimodal transport logistics services worldwide, and is committed to providing customers with highly competitive personalized logistics solutions.
Fully integrate excellent agent network around the world, providing customers with some single mode of transportation is unable to be inland areas or in remote areas of the international multimodal transport services and integrated logistics solutions (the iron transport, multimodal combined transport by rail and sea, etc.), transit difficult problems from customers, provide for the customer from the ground to the destination of one-stop transportation services. A consignment, a settlement, a ticket in the end, responsible for the whole process

Maritime import business scope

1. Marine import business: undertake the whole process of FOB door-to-door and port-to-port agent or handle all the business before and after the arrival of import goods as entrusted by customers.

2. Ocean shipping documents preparation: assisted customers to prepare various documents

3. Customs declaration and inspection services: booking, customs declaration, warehousing, transit, container assembly and unpacking and other services

4. Supporting transport services: seamless connection to inland transport services and transport consulting services

Maritime export business scope

1. Review and prepare export documents: review all kinds of lists and approvals provided by customers; To prepare all kinds of documents; Booking shipping space and customs declaration; Handle insurance policy and commodity inspection certificate

2. Container services: FCL transportation, LCL transportation, bulk cargo transportation; Unpacking/transshipment and delivery of foreign products

3. Domestic trade and shipping: domestic transportation, port entry and shipment

4. Detailed services: issuance of bills of lading, settlement of freight and miscellaneous fees, express delivery of domestic and foreign documents; Handle the agency business in foreign countries.

Our company integrates customs declaration and inspection, land transportation as a whole, and has a whole set of cargo transportation system for the whole country. The FCL and LCL, can provide customers with the goods in large quantities and long distance transportation of damaged, the advantage of low cost, less YiLi now have their own container fleet, has its own ship six, agreement of ship of more than 180 ships, and has branches and field offices in the coastal ports, can completely do every nuance of goods transit link control. Door to door service. Guangzhou to Canada shipping double clear special line, as low as 900RMB a square?


1) double customs clearance from guangzhou to vancouver, Toronto and Montreal;

2) LCL and FCL can be cleared and delivered to any port city in Canada;

3) zero fees at the destination port, except for customs charges (GST tax, customs duties, etc.); (the tax can be reduced or exempted according to the actual situation);

4) handle all export procedures of China, including booking space, receiving goods, loading containers, export, customs declaration, customs clearance in Canada and delivery;

5) delivery scope: it can be delivered nationwide in Canada, and the address should be provided;

Please feel free to contact us for more details我们是一家诚信经营十多年的企业,为客户提供一整套完善的海事服务。长期的合作简化了托运人与托运人之间的操作过程,成为托运人与托运人之间沟通的桥梁和纽带。公司不仅经营传统的海上集装箱运输业务,而且对国际铁路多式联运及中亚、俄罗斯国际航空运输项目具有良好的运营体系和价格体系。深圳远洋物流经过多年的实践经验和市场探索,已经占据了相当大的市场份额。海洋物流凭借铁路、海运和航空运输的优势,将自己定位为全球国际多式联运物流服务领域的专家,致力于为客户提供极具竞争力的个性化物流解决方案。


1. 海运进口业务:承接客户委托的FOB门到门、港到港代理或办理进口货物抵港前后的全部业务。

2. 海运单证准备:协助客户准备各类单证


4. 配套运输服务:无缝衔接内陆运输服务和运输咨询服务


1. 审核和准备出口文件:审核客户提供的各类清单和批文;编制各类文件;订舱位、报关;办理保险单和商检证书

2. 集装箱服务:整箱运输、拼箱运输、散货运输;拆箱/转运及交付外国产品


4. 具体服务:提单签发、运费杂费结算、国内外单据快递;负责国外代理业务。



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    凭借其综合优势和多年的业务发展,公司与国内外船公司建立了密切而密切的关系,以确保有效和有利的运费。 服务路线覆盖欧洲,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,澳大利亚,韩国,日本,东南亚。 台湾,孟加拉湾,非洲,红海等世界各地。







    • 自主开发第三代物流管理系统,实现对货物信息及时掌控。
    • 专注于优化门到门服务、价格以及售后服务达到行内领先水平。
    • 我们提供仓储,清关,交货,分拣,运输,包装,清关和交货等增值服务。
      • 港口服务:广州、深圳至新加坡等国家海运散货、整柜门到门海运专线。
      • 免费到门:提供免费派送上门服务(除孤岛、偏远山区无法运输派送)。
      • 承运商品:日用品类、服装类、玩具类、五金类、灯具类、建筑类、电子产品类、家具类、食品类
    • 除一般商品外,还承接危险品和大宗商品及物件的运输需求
    • 出口海运费用明细:包含中国的报关费、文件费、出口单、码头费、商检费、海运费等与出口国的清关费、派送费


    1. 海运服务范围:拼箱,整柜,陆运拖车,仓储,配送,报关,报关,保险。优质的目的港服务,满足客户的各种需求
    2. 我司自有车辆可以提供珠三角上门取货,省外可配合安排国内长途运输
    3. 从包裹到库、打包完成到发往目的地,都会有邮寄通知,客户也可自行到公司官网查询包裹实时运输状态。
      1. 中国国内县级以上的城市均可上门取件或送箱到门,全球98%的国家均可派送到门。
      2. 可根据每位客户实际情况及存放安排,提供免费仓库存放
      3. 代付快递到付、国内运输费用,还可提供运费到付等服务
    4. 提供货物包装说明,更换包装,压缩量,免费包装和加固,确保长途运输安全。
    5. 如果您有运输货物需求,请联系电话:18826441634
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