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  • BY: 小蓝海
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  • 蓝的海国际货运

Focusing on timeliness and aiming at specialty, the supply chain pursues to provide safe, efficient, simple and professional cross-border e-commerce logistics services for sellers and customers like amazon, eBay and wish. It can guarantee the location for the majority of sellers, and deliver your goods safely, efficiently and accurately to amazon FBA and other third-party overseas warehouses! Dongguan jiyou international freight, cargo import and export international maritime international land transport international logistics international express international logistics international express
The company is an international logistics enterprise approved by the state administration for industry and commerce and the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. Is a collection of international sea, air, transit transport, customs clearance, warehousing transport, cargo insurance advantages in one of the international freight forwarding enterprises, registered capital of 3 million yuan. Company respected "steadfast, perseverance, responsibility, spirit of enterprise, and with integrity, win-win and create a business philosophy, to create a good environment of enterprise, with new management mode, perfect technology, and thoughtful service, excellent quality for survival, we always adhere to customer first service to customers, insist on their own service to impress customers. Foshan furniture supply to New Zealand by sea, New Zealand by sea, door to door transport;

Cooperative shipping companies: COSCO, CHINASHIPING, HYUNDAI, LYKES, MAERSK, APL;

Australia, New Zealand shipping double customs clearance, door to door;

Guangzhou to Auckland, New Zealand by sea;

Guangzhou to Wellington, New Zealand by sea;

Convenient service: you only need to provide the list of goods and the information of the consignee, the pearl river delta can be door-to-door pick-up, safe and fast.
Strong ability of customs clearance, to ensure that your goods clearance rate.
The company, a level agent, provides professional international transport services for tens of thousands of companies, industry benchmark enterprises, the main international express, international air transport, international shipping and international export transport full set of agent business freight rate is low, professional, safe, efficient, thoughtful service. International air freight business agent each big airlines, air transport, with dozens of famous airlines established close relations of cooperation, guarantee of shipping space, advantage rate, for exporting commodity inspection involved classes such as grocery has rich experience in processing, with the domestic Shanghai, Beijing, hangzhou, shenzhen, guangzhou, Hong Kong and other major machine close cooperation, safe speed, protect your trade export transport demand. International shipping business, shenzhen, guangzhou and other ports on the trailer delivery into the warehouse full set of customs, with every shipping company (MAERSK, HMM, YML, WHL, CSAV, says there, APL, TSL, ESL, RCL, K - LINE, MSC, EVERGREEN, KMTC, PIL, etc.) and the freight agent at home and abroad to establish a global service network, the main South America, North America, the Middle East, southeast Asia, the red sea, the Mediterranean, Europe, Africa, Egypt, supervision of loading port service, such as low freight, welcome to inquire!
Compared with traditional international freight forwarding companies, sea steward directly connects shippers and shipping companies, removes redundant layers and minimizes transportation costs. Real-time online quotation, delivery without waiting; Offline operation and online query, full transparency; Shipping door to door, let international logistics become as simple as express delivery.





本公司为一级代理,为数万家公司提供专业的国际运输服务,行业标杆企业,主营国际快递、国际空运、国际海运和国际出口运输全套代理业务,运价低廉,专业、安全、高效、周到的服务。国际空运业务代理各大航空公司、航空运输,与许多著名的航空公司建立了密切合作关系,保证舱位,优势,出口商检相关类等食品加工有丰富的经验,与国内上海、北京、杭州、深圳、广州、香港和其他主要机器密切合作,安全速度,保护你的贸易出口运输需求。国际航运业务,深圳、广州等港口的拖车送货到仓库全套的海关,与每一个航运公司(马士基、嗯、YML、WHL, CSAV,说那里,APL, TSL——ESL, RCL, K -行,MSC,常绿,KMTC,公益诉讼,等等)和货运代理国内外建立全球服务网络,主要南美,北美,中东,东南亚,红海,地中海,欧洲,非洲,埃及,监装港服务,如运费低,欢迎来电咨询!


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    凭借其综合优势和多年的业务发展,公司与国内外船公司建立了密切而密切的关系,以确保有效和有利的运费。 服务路线覆盖欧洲,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,澳大利亚,韩国,日本,东南亚。 台湾,孟加拉湾,非洲,红海等世界各地。







    • 自主开发第三代物流管理系统,实现对货物信息及时掌控。
    • 专注于优化门到门服务、价格以及售后服务达到行内领先水平。
    • 我们提供仓储,清关,交货,分拣,运输,包装,清关和交货等增值服务。
      • 港口服务:广州、深圳至新加坡等国家海运散货、整柜门到门海运专线。
      • 免费到门:提供免费派送上门服务(除孤岛、偏远山区无法运输派送)。
      • 承运商品:日用品类、服装类、玩具类、五金类、灯具类、建筑类、电子产品类、家具类、食品类
    • 除一般商品外,还承接危险品和大宗商品及物件的运输需求
    • 出口海运费用明细:包含中国的报关费、文件费、出口单、码头费、商检费、海运费等与出口国的清关费、派送费


    1. 海运服务范围:拼箱,整柜,陆运拖车,仓储,配送,报关,报关,保险。优质的目的港服务,满足客户的各种需求
    2. 我司自有车辆可以提供珠三角上门取货,省外可配合安排国内长途运输
    3. 从包裹到库、打包完成到发往目的地,都会有邮寄通知,客户也可自行到公司官网查询包裹实时运输状态。
      1. 中国国内县级以上的城市均可上门取件或送箱到门,全球98%的国家均可派送到门。
      2. 可根据每位客户实际情况及存放安排,提供免费仓库存放
      3. 代付快递到付、国内运输费用,还可提供运费到付等服务
    4. 提供货物包装说明,更换包装,压缩量,免费包装和加固,确保长途运输安全。
    5. 如果您有运输货物需求,请联系电话:18826441634
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